Thursday, August 28, 2014

California State Assembly Passes Plastic Bag Bill

This afternoon the California State Assembly passed SB 270 (Padilla–D), a bill coauthored by Assemblymember Dababneh (D-Encino) to prohibit single-use plastic bags. This measure is now headed to the Senate before the Sunday, August 31st legislative deadline.



Each year in California, more than 13 billion single-use plastic bags are handed out by retailers yet only 3% are recycled according to California's Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle). Before Los Angeles County disallowed the use of single-use plastic bags upwards of six billion plastic bags were being used in LA County alone, totaling 600 bags per person per year. Since the start of this year, the use of plastic bags has dramatically decreased; this measure has worked in LA County to reduce pollution and will work across the state.  


"This bill is a historic step forward not just for California but also an example for a more sustainable world. I thank Assemblymember Dababneh for his effort to get this passed," said Angela Sun who is the award-winning filmmaker and journalist behind the documentary, Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Upon passage of SB 270 Assemblymember Dababneh addressed the environmental impact of single-use plastic bags by noting, "Plastic bags cause litter, harm wildlife and endanger the environment, they jam machinery at recycling centers costing California millions dollars each year. Passage of this bill will not only reduce pollution and waste but encourage the use of recyclable grocery bags which is important for all our communities."


Talking about the need for streamlining regulation and providing clarity for businesses, Dababneh continued, "There are currently 142 different regulations around the state that deal with plastic bags. In LA County, we have already adopted the ban on single-use plastic bags. SB 270 will provide a standard and easily understood directive that will increase efficiency and predictability for businesses throughout California and that is why it garnered the support of labor organizations, the business community and environmental groups."



Matt Dababneh represents the 45th Assembly District that includes the communities of Bell Canyon, Calabasas, Canoga Park, Chatsworth, Encino, Hidden Hills, Northridge, Reseda, Sherman Oaks, Tarzana, West Hills, Winnetka, and Woodland Hills. Please visit the Assemblymember's website,, for more information.


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