Monday, October 13, 2014

80 Pounds Lost Using The 4 Hour Body

There I was huffing and puffing walking around Century City looking for a front cover story for the next issue of the Century City News. I was tipping the scale at 270 pounds and I was a cheeseburger away from a triple bypass. I was tired all of the time but I was coping with the symptoms as best I could.
My oldest son had ridiculed me for years about my weight. His snide remarks pushed me toward the food. One day when my youngest son was in town he would pull me aside and speak to me in a way that would change my life. He wasn't insulting or hurtful about my weight. He put his arm around my shoulder and said, "Dad, I need your help."

There isn't anything a father will not do to help his sons. My son was getting ready to enter a military program where upperbody strength would be essential for success. He needed to gain muscle mass if he was going to succeed. He presented me with a book by author, Tim Ferriss, called The 4 Hour Body and asked me if I would help him gain his muscle mass. His plan was to follow the instructions outlined in the book. We would read this book together and achieve success through the buddy system.

He postulated that it was the same plan to gain the weight that he needed as it was to lose the weight I needed. That day was a day that changed my life. How could I refuse my son? He needed my help. I agreed to support him by getting on his program.

I have read many diet books. I have also read many bodybuilding books. I was familiar with how bodybuilders manipulate their bodies. I found the book to be the best interation of how it really works. Tim Ferriss breaks it down in ways we can easily understand.

That first week was a little tough but as my son and I texted each other photos of everything we ate I was able to cope with the hunger I had for carbs. This buddy approach was huge for me and for my son. It lead to a much tighter body and a closer relationship with him. We were working on something together.

The other part of the program that was huge was our once a week cheat day. We would cheat in epic proportions. We would text each other photos of our epic cheat meals. All week long we would be planning out our cheat days. When we found ourselves in the same city we would plan our cheat days around our visits. Those days were epic. They were some of the best days of my life and the laughter we shared will echo through time.

As promised in the book he was gaining muscle mass and I was shedding fat. Tim Ferriss' advice was working. My son gained his muscle mass and has achieved his goal. He has a career in the U.S. Military. I remember hitting 240 lbs. and thinking I was in heaven. People around me started asking me what I was doing. They also started asking me if this was a health problem because my weight dropped so quickly. I have bought a number of copies of the book for those I care about.

When I hit 220 lbs. I started getting female attention again. That was a big motivator to keep the weight off. It has been 2 1/2 years since I began the program. 

Recently I found myself slipping into cheat day every day and it took six months to gain back 15 pounds. But I got on a scale and determined that I will never go back to the 270 pounds I once was. I am back on the program and ten days later I have shed 6 pounds. Thank you Tim for writing the book. It changed my life and created an incredible relationship with my son.

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